
Showing posts from February, 2018

A Great Symbol Of Benevolence

    Abdul Rasheed HA     'Shaikhuna Kottumala Bappu Musliyar'... A name uttered by the people with love and admiration. A remarkable master who was great enthusiast with actions. A benevolent, who had a heart of gold and was lovely for everyone. A peaceful minded who had admirable thoughts, to develop the community. A person, who had tremendous and remarkable qualities of moral character. A saint, whose spiritual rank was unseen among the people... And, whose bereavement is still remaining among the people who accompanied him...      He worked as a member of the Samastha Mushavara for more than a decade and laid foundation for several reforming activities. He was a shelter for several educational institutions either religious or scientific, which run under Samastha Kerala Jam-iyyathul Ulama. He was an uttering voice of Samastha among the public. He was a smart and brilliant personality who was efficient in organizational activities. He met the depth of knowledge and coll

Rahmaniyya Katameri, 45th Anniversary Song



The life seems long with fun and charm, And we do away with what we play.. The life feigns hard, and looks like harm, And we break off walk from the way... Fates come bad and make one sad, He loses beliefs, what he had.. Oh! Never let be your things go bad, Oh man who droops! The grief is mad!! Seek your Lord, the Almighty, He who spared you yesterday... May he fulfill your entreaty.. And you one day, will attain your way!! -Abdul Rasheed HA

بعض أسماء أعلام الدين Names And Profiles Of Some Well-known Imams

بعض أسماء أعلام الدين الذين ننتفع بكتبهم و تاريخ وفياتهم نفعنا الله بهم في الدارين آمين   CLICK HERE FOR PDF FILE