He is one of the remarkable and important personalities in the history of Malabar Freedom struggle against British. 'Mushayyakh' was firstly named for the son of Abdullah b. Ashaikh Ali b. Abu Bakr Zakran. Syed Abdurahman Mushayyakh was born under the genealogy of Syed Abdullah Mushayyakh who came from Hadhramaut and settled down in Malabar. He was a well known personality in Mushayyakh Clan.
         Syed Abdullah Mushayyakh married Syedath Sharifa Fatima, the elder sister of Syed Muhdhar Thangal Shihabuddin, the second grand father of PMSA Pokkoya Thangal, Panakkad. (The holy shrine of Syed Muhdhar Thangal is located near the Grand Mosque of Malapuram.) Syed Abdurahman Mushayyakh was born to this couple. The Ottakath Puthiya Maliyekkal Tharavad, an ancient house of Malapuram was built by him, in 1251 AH.
         A well known poet Moin Kutty Vaidyar narrated him as, "Malappuratthinte Siraj" (Glory of Malapuram) in his famous poem "Malapuram Pada". He says,
"Mukalum Malapurathe sirajum
Mushaikhabdurahman Akathe Khwaja.."
          Syed Abdurahman Mushayyakh had only a single daughter, who was later married by Syed Ali Haidruzy, from Haidruz Tharavad of Ponnani. Then Syed Ali Haidruzy settled down in Puthiya Maliyekkal Tharavad (wife's house). The history of Haidruz clan in Malapuram was began from Syed Ali Haidruzy.
          The Cherur Rebellion, a famous event in history was held in October 24, 1848 (29th Ramadan). It is one of the revolts in which Syed Alawi Thangal of Manpuram had a role. The order of Syed Alawi to the army was to ask the permission of Syed Abdurahman Mushayyakh to participate in the revolt. By this the army of Cherur arrived to Malapuram.
          The role of Akathekkoya Thangal in the history of freedom struggle can be read as follows:
"The Cherur Army reached Malapuram for the purpose of invoking Barakath by seeing the great Syed Abdurahman Mushayyakh. Thangal welcomed them with full of pleasant and love as they visited his house (Puthiya Maliyekkal). He gave them precious advice, and reminded them of the great rewards by Allah to the holy martyrs. Likewise he asked them to take ablution and lead them to the prayer hall. He took the swords of everyone, held them close to his chest and chanted and gave it them back. He ordered the Muslim army to work towards the goal with sincerity and enthusiasm" (Asshuhada ul Haliyya Fi Manaqibi Shuhadail Cheruriyya, Page no
          The Muslim army arrived the battle field with courage and blessings of Akathekkoya Thangal and gained the great martyrdom for the sake of their motherland.
(Source: Swathanthra Samaratthile Thangal Sannidhyam)


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